Sep 22, 2014

We have 75 ways of helping your customers protect their merchandise from shoplifters

Products which are built to last! Why?

Virginland is a manufacturer of 58khz and 8.2mhz EAS systems,tags,labels and detachers. We are also a leader in both recyclable and disposable source tagging tags. Virginland provides itself only the highest quality products. Products which are built to last. Please contact us to lean more about our product offerings.
eas tags,retail security tags,source tagging,loss prevention
Tels +86 20 62807308
+86 20 61309993
Fax +86 20 61089893


  1. I think that if you are having a big problem with people stealing your stuff in your retail store you should think about getting security tags. When people see that it has a security tag on it they won't even think about trying to steal it because they know that they are going to get caught. As you can see in this picture there are a lot of different kinds of security tags. You just need to find the one that is best for you and that will work.

  2. I think that if you are having a big problem with people stealing your stuff in your retail store you should think about getting security tags. When people see that it has a security tag on it they won't even think about trying to steal it because they know that they are going to get caught. As you can see in this picture there are a lot of different kinds of security tags. You just need to find the one that is best for you and that will work.
